© Matías Capizzano
The current Tactical Sailing version TS 2.0 for Games and Coach's Toolbox is: 2.240.529 (Status 29.05.2024). You can compare the current Tactical Sailing version with your installed version in TS main menu: Help/Version. See the instructions below to update or UPGRADE your program.
If you have bought Tactical Sailing - incl. Coach's Toolbox - Version TS 2.0 "All in One" from March 2020 on, we offer a free update service. Send us your license key ending V2 and name your operating system (Windows, Mac OS X or Linux) by e-mail to: office[at]TacticalSailing.com .
A) If you have purchased Tactical Sailing - incl. Coach's Toolbox - Version 1 "All in One" beginning 2019 or in the last 24 months, we offer a free service for an UPGRADE to Version 2.
B) For every user of Tactical Sailing - incl. Coach's Toolbox - Version 1.0 (years 2011-2018) we can providea cost-efficient UPGRADE to Version 2, Select DOWNLOAD / UPGRADE.
If you change your computer hardware and if you are a licensed user of Tactical Sailing 2.0, you can get an update free of charge to the actual version. Send us an e-mail and write down your license key and name your operating system (Windows, Mac OS X or Linux) to support[at]TacticalSailing.com . We will send a link to download latest version. Look at your program menu <Help> <Version> <Program> and see the number displayed at your system.
The support for Tactical Sailing 2.0 begins on 01.01.2020. You receive the current version 2 from 2020.
The support for Tactical Sailing 1.0 ends on 31.12.2020. You receive the current version from 2019.
If you change your computer hardware and do not want an upgrade to version 2.0, we offer Tactical Sailing 1.0 update.
If you purchased Tactical Sailing Version 1 in 2019, we offer a free service to upgrade to Version 2.
We can provide every user of Tactical Sailing version 1.0 (years 2011-2018) with a paid UPGRADE to version 2, see notes here.
In any case write down your license key and name your operating system (Windows, Mac OS X or Linux) send an e-mail to support[at]TacticalSailing.com.
The Tactical Sailing program runs on PCs with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X 10 Catalina, but not macOS X 11 Big Sur or higher, or apple M1/2/3/4 chip. But you can use “Parallels” with Windows for Tactical Sailing on all Macs! See notes on Mac M1/2/3/4 chip, also for Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, Sequoia and Parallels here. Check your Mac: Click "apple logo - About This Mac".
Version.Nr-Build.Nr: V.yym.mdd - New functions, features, enhancements and bug fixes.
V= version. yy=year; mm:month; dd=day; - features
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2024_________________________
2.240.529 Coach's Toolbox supplemented with a selection of 'highlights' and AC40
2.240.529 Coach's 'Highlights' tactical tips inserted
2.240.517 Coach's 'Highlights' + AC40 America's Cup + 'Chicago & JK'
2.240.502 Coach's 'Highlights' + 'AC40 America's Cup'
2.240.219 Coach's 'Highlights' + 'Right of Way'
2.240.119 Coach's 'Highlights', new scene playing field and offside trap
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2023_________________________
2.231.017 Coach's 'Highlights', 20 exercises in separate program and licence key 'Highlights'
2.230.426 Support update, no new funtions
2.230.326 Tactics in new racing area in Coach's toolbox / Expert / "Lake Constance Cup"
2.230.303 Tactics in new "flexible wind fields" in the Coach's toolbox / Expert / Wind fields
2.230.202 Tactics in new "wind fields" in the Coach's toolbox / Expert / Win or lose
2.230.122 Tactics on wind shifts new scenes in the Coach's Toolbox / Expert / Win or lose
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2022_________________________
2.220.401 Tactic Team Race in Coach's Toolbox / Tips Tactic
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2021_________________________
2.211.008 The new Windows 11 tests with Tactical Sailing
2.210.702 Toolbox with tactical exercises for "Cross-Tack-Duck"
2.210.325 Pre-release: Toolbox with scenes from "Auckland Cup - Distance hight boat to boat".
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2020_________________________
2.201.111 "Jubilee - 10 Years Tactical Sailing"! Toolbox with scenes of so called "Curry-Tack".
2.201.011 Toolbox with scenes for "Lift and Header".
2.200.508 Unpack ZIP error on Windows (error message: 0x80004005), download new TS_Win.zip files (12.05.2020).
2.200.508 Spanish version, "Family and Toolbox", translation of the texts in the Spanish menu adapted.
2.200.501 Toolbox, Scene Scooter, Option Tactic optimised.
2.200.415 TS Demo Version for CORONA with Wind 1x1 to 8x8. Performance Option Slalom 32 optimised.
2.200.402 TS Demo versions in 3 languages de, en, es inserted, acces in "Lounge".
2.200.331 Release of TS 2.0 : OS X Catalina (OS X 10.15.x ready, - option runtime, shift key).
2.200.321 Release of TS 2.0 : Windows, Linux
2.200.303 Release of TS 2.0 : Windows, Linux und OS X Catalina (OS X 10.15.3 work in progress).
2.200.101 Pre-release of TS 2.0 : German, English and Espaniol, new options
2.200.101 Pre-release of TS 2.0 : German, English and Espaniol
2.200.100 Pre-release of TS 2.0 : New structure starting option of the program with independent Trainer Toolbox, improved structure of operation.
2.191.201 Pre-release of TS 2.0: Tests with selected user.
Last software version of TS 1.0 for Tactic Game and Coach's Toolbox is:
1.190.116 (as of October, 23; 2019; 23.10.2019 "Notarized").
Version.Nr-Build.Nr: x.yym.mdd: New functions, features, enhancements and bug fixes.
V= version. yy=year; m.m=month; dd=day; : features
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2019____________________________________________________
1.190.116 Mac Apple OSX 10.15 Catalina: Notarisied on 23.10.2019
1.190.116 Calculation of optimal Speed and Pointing adjusted.
Excercise "Switch-Point" with new Option to display intersection "Mark".
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2018____________________________________________________
1.181.114 Neues Slalom-Segeln - Format mit neuem "Olympischen Kurs"
Trainer Toolbox: Neue Übung Switch-Point und Option Windachse
1.180.211 Trainer Toolbox: neue Windsimulation Böen und Flauten,
Switch-Point Simulation,
Velocity Made Good zum Kurs (VMC-Simulation),
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2017____________________________________________________
1.171.101 Trainer Toolbox neue Funktionen für: Anfänger in "Boot gegen Boot"
1.171.026 Trainer Toolbox neue Funktionen für:
zusätzliches virtuelles Windsystem-2.
1.170.723 Trainer Toolbox mit neuen Funktionen für:
Anfänger - zum erstenmal Segeln -
einfache Übungen zum Anluven und Abfallen,
Segel-Bundesliga-Format mit 15 Minuten Flight,
zufällige Windbedingungen zum Training,
Chance und Risiko für Praxis und Experten mit neuen Optionen:
Gewinn und Verlust.
1.170.327 J/70 Freigabe, Geschwindigkeit optimiert (Downwind bei 180°)
1.170.318 Neues Boot: J/70 (Prototyp Beta Version)
1.170.211 World Sailing Rules 2017-2020 update, Bundesliga- und weitere SLALOM-Kurse.
1.170.119 NEU: SLALOM-Segeln - Spielspaß ohne Ende! Turbulente, zufällig pendelnde Winde;
Mac-Installation vereinfacht, Programmcode signiert, Sicherheit am "Gatekeeper" erfüllt
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2016____________________________________________________
1.160.316 Mac-Problem mit 4 Spielern beseitigt, neue Tastaturkürzel: Tasten K-L,
Download die aktuelle Liste der Tatsturkürzel hier.
1.160.114 Chance und Risiko Simulation, Boote Finn, 29, 49 Geschwindigkeit optimiert
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2015____________________________________________________
1.150.115 Neues Boot: FAREAST 31F; Startszenen OCS optimiert
1.150.110 Neue Toolbox Funktionen: Fleet&Match Race mit 4 Booten,
1.150.110 Neue Toolbox Funktionen: Meine eigene Regatta 6 Bojen auslegen, Chance - Risiko
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2014____________________________________________________
1.141.114 Mac User: OS X: Performance Verbesserung in der Animation des Haupt-Menüs(schneller).
1.141.112 Tipps und Toolbox mit drehenden, ozillierenden Winden jetzt mit Windleiteranzeige.
Updates/Upgrades/Add on 2013____________________________________________________
1.131.123 Velocity Made Good (VMG) bei Tipps und Toolbox sowie Szenen San Franzisko Bucht
1.131.111 Windows 8: Performance Verbesserung in der Animation (Menü Spiele u. Optionen)
1.130.912 Mac OS X 10.8: Performance Verbesserung in der Animation (Menü Spiele u. Optionen)
1.130.820 Demo Funktionen optimiert
1.130.703 Text entsprechend Wettfahrtregeln World Sailing 2013-2016 in den Tipps angepasst
1.130.408 Installation des Tactical_Sailing_Icon / Verknüpfung auf Desktop
1.130.402 Optimiertes Installationspaket für Windows, Mac und Linux
1.130.118 Add On Trainer Toolbox Erweiterungen zum Spiel und Tipps zum Kauf freigegeben
Updates/Upgrades 2012___________________________________________________________
1.121.204 Neues Boot: Finn Dinghy
1.121.110 TP52 Wind, Tunings
1.121.028 Trainers Toolbox mit Team Race
1.121.010 Trainers Toolbox mit neuen Funktionen an der Zone
1.121.004 Trainers Toolbox mit neuen Funktionen an der Leeboje (Gate), Fleet- und Match Races
1.120.921 Trainers Toolbox mit neuen Funktionen an der Startlinie und Luvbahnmarke
1.120.730 Protestkonto mit Frühstarterkennung "On Course Side (OCS)"
1.120.711 Protestkonto für Berührungen: "Boot gegen Boot" und "Boot gegen Boje"
1.120.707 Tipps zum Wegerecht
1.120.701 Neue Maxi-Yacht Transpac TP 52
1.120.626 Upgrade "Boot gegen Boot"
1.120.422 Weitere Farben bei der Bootsauswahl
1.120.417 Zwei neue Boote: Internationale Bootsklassen Kiel- und Schwertzugvogel
1.120.107 Option Ansicht/Wind/Region standardmäßig wieder eingeschaltet.
Updates 2011___________________________________________________________
1.110.523 Trainers Toolbox mit neuen Funktionen an der Startlinie
1.110.602 Trainers Toolbox mit neuen Funktionen zur Feldtaktik
1.110.622 Trainers Toolbox mit neuen Funktionen zur Streckbug-Anliegelinie
1.110.701 Trainers Toolbox mit neuer Funktion taktischer Wendepunkt
1.110.705 * Mac Systeme: Tactical Sailing Symbol (Icon) auf dem Scheibtisch oder Dock verknüpfen
1.110.708 Video Shows für Segelschulen, -clubs, Klassenvereinigungen, Reseller, Distributoren
1.110.711 Trainers Toolbox mit neuen Funktionen: Erste Kreuz und verzogener Kurs
1.110.721 Trainiere mit(!) dem Wind, selbst den Wind ändern: Mein Wind 1x1 und 3x3
1.110.725 Trainiere Startlinie, Bojen, Ziellinie selbst auslegen, den Wind einstellen
1.110.731 Trainiere Geschwindigkeit oder Höhe laufen
1.110.825 Hinweise für die neuen Funktionen
1.111.001 Mit dem Wind trainieren, Wind 1x1, Runden der Boje 3 für den Sparringspartner korrigiert
1.111.126 Neues Boot: Internationale Bootsklasse Korsar
1.111.208 ** Mac Systeme OS X 10.6 und 10.7: Update Grafikroutinen, Windregion als blaue Linie
Ende 2011___________________________________________________________