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"The 'Coach's Highlights' are a selection of 20 tactical exercises from the overall program of the 'Coach's Toolbox' with over 100 exercises. In the overview you can select a 'keyword' and with a 'click' the exercise starts. You are automatically taken to the category in the menu item: TIPS TACTICS. In this menu item you can also use other tactical exercises, e.g. 'Field or regatta tactics'. If you would like to experience the “Fun of sailing” at the end of a practice session, choose a game 'for two or for fourth'.
- Overview of TIPS TACTICS: These are tactical exercises and situations that a trainer or experienced regatta sailor should know as an introduction to the topic of 'tactics'. This includes knowledge of:
Start and finish line, - Playing field, - Switch point, - Curry turn - Field tactics with 8 exercises - Regatta tactics for fleet, match and team races.
- Fast sailing: With the new AC40 racing yachts, the excitement of fast sailing at up to 100 km/hour can be increased, the "foiling wings" make it possible.
- Fun of sailing: extra Sailing Games - Endless fun - fox hunting, chain of buoys, scooter or slalom.
Coach's Highlights Program requires a new special license key.
- Right of way: the essential rules of the right of way, e.g. leeward boat, wind from starboard, overlapping, and special tactical maneuvers at the gates: 'Chicago' and 'JK', a total of 17 situations are simulated and explained.
- Trainer Highlights are part of the Trainer Toolbox "All in One".
The foils act as wings and provide the lift, allowing the boat to float above the water. She it's light, which is crucial, because the AC40 is designed to fly. It's also different - rather than a keel, a brand new concept keeps it standing. "Foil Cant Arms" move under, or outside, the boat to provide the leverage it needs to stay upright.
Some parts of the boat are supplied - built by McConaghy - the mast, rigging, foil-cant arms and their hydraulics are all stock components. But, there are still plenty of areas that designers can experiment with to find a race-winning edge.
Wing also on mainsail: The double-sail skin mainsail combines with the "D" shaped mast to form a wing, generating the power (upper- and lower preasure) the AC40 needs to foil.
Underwater is where things get really interesting, the foil cant system is a battery-driven, hydraulic power-unit that supplies the energy to lift and lower the immensely strong - and heavy - foil cant arms.
As the boat swaps tacks, the cant system is activated, placing one hydrofoil in the water, and lifting the other one out, where its weight becomes ballast.
At the end of the arms lie the teams' secret weapons - the foil wings.
Source: See a video clip from Prada-Team here:
In the tests with the AC40 the following values were measured: max. speed (KN) and time at finish line (min:sec).
- the true wind in the area was 12 KN, with a gust of 20 KN and the
- Downwind: max. boat speed 44.6 KN (82,6 km/h) in the gust!
- Upwind: max. boat speed 43,1 KN (79,8 km/h) in the gust!
Watch the video clips on Youtube.
Tilo Schnekenburger writes: "Foil sailors are breaking the 'sound barrier' in sailing. Foil sailors are about to break the 100 km/h barrier, but that is still a long way from the sound barrier. Of course, this is not about the real sound barrier, which is known to be around 1200 km/h. It is more about the fact that foiling sailing vehicles today reach boat speeds that are currently 2 to 3 times the speed of the true wind driving them!" See his detailed article here: https://tschnekenburger.wixsite.com/regattataktik/under-re-construction (German).
The Coach's Highlights are part of the large Coach's Toolbox "All in One". These have been proven to promote attention and concentration when using the various animations, whereby the individual processes can be changed individually as required. For the design of seminars, lectures and workshops, the highlights and the toolbox are very effective aids for all levels of training.
Learn to sail while playing - 4 games are part of "Highlights" specially designed for young sailors. With the fox hunting, the chain of buoys , the slalom and scooter race, a lot of fun is guaranteed for two or four players!
Comment on HIGHLIGHTS:
Tactician Tilo Schnekenburger (GER): "The super quick introduction to the most important tactical topics. Ideal for training work."
Head state coach of Baden Württemberg Peter Ganzert (GER): "The coaching highlights are super handy and useful in tactics training - at every age group and performance level."
Coach Maxi Walkenbach (Berlin): "Tactical Sailing is the perfect visualisation of patterns and tactics on the water: circle, diamond, rectangle and square. Ideal for explaining and understanding the basics and actions."
With one "click", the coach can repeatedly call up the simulation of a regatta scene and discuss it with the sailors. Train the ability to make decisions on the regatta field:
Strategic and tactical decisions in regatta sailing are made in a similar way to classic “risk management”. This starts right at the starting line. The sailor must choose the right or left side of the regatta field. Jochen Schuemann, one of the world's best sailors, also sees it this way: "The physics of sailing constantly force you to make a clear decision."
Click to see examples as video clips here.
"Your project has been voted: Best Media Didactic. Out of more than 60 applicants, Tactical Sailing is winner of the European Award for Technology Supported Learning - eureleA 2012!" This good news came in on 31.01.2012. Sailors would say: "We got Gold Medal!"
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